Life Walk Bible Lesson 52 — Believe God
Those who have been given gifts and talents by the Holy Spirit are being perfected in them day by day. Just as each skill is learned over time, and developed, so also the Holy Spirit trains us in godliness, and living a righteous and abundant life.
Jesus spoke of being given more than one talent, and if it is used properly, the reward is according to the work done with that which was given.
Let’s say, perhaps, that a person has more than one thing God has empowered them to be good at. Or, perhaps, they have done one thing long enough and God wants them to do something else, according to His timing, regarding their purpose in His kingdom — how does that person transition from one gift to another?
All of us have been given something to work with, as Paul describes in his Letters, regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit — whether for ministry in the Church, or the Community, or in the family.
Finding one’s self in the Book, as Jesus did, is the discovery of our “destiny” and our calling. I believe destiny implies a future goal, whereas a calling is the ongoing journey toward that goal. Our collective destiny within the Body of Christ is to be with Him, in His Family, in His Kingdom, reigning on earth, all evil having been removed.
Our individual callings differ one from another, just as the hand differs from the foot, although the brain speaks to them both, and they function according to their position in the body, they each have their own unique and distinct function within the body. The hand cannot be the foot, nor ought it be asked to be. Each one must do that which they are called to do, with an unwavering and faithful commitment to doing the will of God, which is their part in the team-effort to bring all things under one head, that is Christ.
One plants, one waters, one harvest, Paul teaches us, so then the Kingdom of God is a team effort, where each one accomplishes their part in it on a daily basis. Some have more than one job to do, just like a husband has more than one duty within a family construct, or his community; a wife has her duties within the family, and her community; and they often share the duties especially when both spouses work outside the home, as it should be; and children are given responsibilities within their family and community.
Jesus Christ and His Bride function in much the same way. Jesus Pastors His Family, so let us follow His example, by learning His ways, speaking the truths He imparted to His disciples, and carry on the vision for the Family of God, and we will have success in all we do for God.
Physical application of this calling includes: feeding the hungry, clothing the unclothed, visiting the sick or imprisoned, freeing the oppressed and those captive to the evils of this world, bringing them to freedom in Christ.
Blessed are the peacemakers, Jesus instructs, and we bring the Gospel in peace. Scripture says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News to the poor.” So, then, it begins with one’s feet — one’s walk with God, and how we pass it on to others with His Lovingkindness. [Matthew 5-7]
Jesus made it clear that what they had known up until then was only a part of what there was to learn. What they had believed about things, in the past, had now been enhanced with God’s own perspective of it: If you think it, you have committed it.
God says through Isaiah, “My thoughts are higher than your thoughts,” and yet, by the Holy Spirit we can know His thoughts. We have the example of Noah, who writes down what God was thinking.
The Holy Spirit knows the heart, and searches the heart of God for the treasures of wisdom which we need in order to live, and represent Him well in the earth, while we are here, so that He can do His work through us.
We, who are filled with the Holy Spirit of our Creator, have been infused with the same gifts as God has in Himself, for we are not only made in His image, but also in His likeness — to create, to provide, to sustain and maintain, to bring to birth, and to deliver, and to proclaim “this is that” — even to call something that is not as though it is, over that which is birthed.
The transition, therefore, from one function, or form of ministry to another can be difficult at first, however with the help of the Holy Spirit, in the hour of necessity, the Holy Spirit gives to each one that which is needed for the benefit of all.
For example: Flowing from a ministry of the prophetic — based on the prophetic word of God, imparted for revelation, and for hope and encouragement, and for the establishing of things in the earth, to a pastoral role — a ministry which sustains the words given, and sees these words through to their fulfilling, is made seamless by the Holy Spirit, for these individually are distinctly different and yet similar.
OR: Flowing from a function as an Evangelist, to an Apostolic ministry, which both impart wisdom from the Great Shepherd, to see that the Kingdom of God is established among His people in a new region, among people who have not come to Christ yet — these are distinct yet similar gifts, as necessary in the Body of Christ, for the benefit of all.
In the early Church, therefore, Apostles and Prophets worked together, and Evangelist, and Pastors/Teachers worked together as we have seen in Scripture.
As a river flows through many kinds of topography, and eventually out to a sea, or to the ocean, it gives many opportunities to all the animals, people, and places that it serves, for sustenance, fun, adventure, and pleasure, as well as, for some, a home and livelihood. These Spiritual gifts from the Water of Life Himself, then, are meant to flow together for the benefit of each congregation within the Body of Christ.
When things change, especially unexpectedly, or of necessity, one can, at first, feel confused, or unsure about one’s calling, or about one’s career or job, as the case may be. What seemed to seamlessly flow, before, can seem like going through rapids on a small life-raft. But stay the course, and pray earnestly for God’s help through life’s transitions, and you will find out quickly that God has good plans for you, and things usually turn our better than we can think, or imagine, when we patiently trust God to order our steps.
Joshua walked with Moses as an assistant for quite some time, and after the death of Moses, he walked with God in an entirely new position, for which God gave him supernatural courage and ability. The transition between bringing Moses whatever he needed to bringing God whatever He needed had to be huge to Joshua in the early days of his journey with the ancient nation of Israel into the land God promised to Abraham.
It is written, therefore, “Make your calling sure” for a reason. Don’t let anyone despise your calling, or put you down for what they think you are, or should be. Jesus was spoken about in this manner, “Is this not Joseph’s son?” They did not accept Him for Who God called Him to be because they only saw Him as the carpenter’s son, and not the Messiah.
Remember, God “is doing a new thing.” So, recognize your own spiritual warfare, in times like this, and let the focus now be where it needs to be, where God has placed it, on what He is calling you to do, and be okay with it.
If you are changing jobs or careers, let’s say, when a job becomes obsolete or a company downsizes, look for another with God’s help, for He provides good things for every living thing. You can trust Him with your steps for He orders them so that our outcomes are the best for us, and His purpose for us.
Prepared for Ministry
Who am I?
Step 1. For revision, begin with your Spiritual outlook on your current circumstance: look for all the places where Jesus said, I AM, as we have already studied at length in previous Life Walk Lessons.
Now you can say, in Christ, I am…it strengthens your resolve as a child of Light, to be Who Christ is, in and through you, a child of God, a part of a Royal Priesthood, a part of an Holy Nation, in which you are a living stone, strategically placed, on purpose, somewhere specific, within that Temple in which God dwells.
The simplest definition of a disciple of Christ was given to us by His Own mother: “Whatever He tells you to do, do it.” In Him, we can.
What am I Supposed to be Doing?
Step 2. As with any job one is given, one must be educated, or trained in order to do it well. Once you have “found yourself in the Book” as it is written of Jesus, “Behold, it is written of Me in the Book; I have come to do Your will, O God” — then learn how to be “that” by learning from God, from His Word, from those whose lives and experiences are recorded in the Bible who were called to do “that,” and just as Paul taught Timothy and Titus, learn from the Elders of the Church who already have experience in the journey, which will help you in yours, if you are in ministry; and learn from industry professionals in the field in which you desire to work if not in a Church ministry.
Learn from Paul’s teachings as he helped Timothy and Titus and others, in their new roles in the newly formed Churches, God was establishing throughout the regions they were familiar with and beyond. These principles apply no matter where you work, in a Church or in a Community, or in a Governing body within that community.
What is the goal of the Ministry I have been Given?
Step 3. Honor God with the gifts and talents He has given you by taking care of that which is in your dominion. As it is written, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth.” What are we supposed to fill the earth with, in Christ, according to the New Covenant, besides the obvious instruction to marry, and children?
Fill the earth with His glory, which is the knowledge of God, and His way of doing things — everything about God — as we have also learned in a previous Life Walk Lesson. Wherever you have opportunity to give an answer for the way you live, let them know about the God Who gives you that life. Learn about God, get to know God, and then tell others about Him, so that they can get to know, and love, Him as you do.
What are the rewards of carrying God’s vision for your life?
Step 4. Matthew 25:31-40 “Whatever you have done for the least of the brothers of Mine, you did it for Me.”
I believe when we live well, and represent God well, in the Kingdom of God on earth, we will know Him even more, and then make Him known to an even greater extent, in all we do for His glory. This has been the sole focus of the Life Walk Lessons.
The only way to know Him is to know what He said, what He did, what He thinks about doing, what He would love to do, and what He gets excited about doing in the future. Additionally, to know what makes Him angry is to know what not to do.
All Scripture is there for our teaching, correction, and admonition to live righteously, and represent Him well.
Three things, in particular, we know from Jesus Himself — His “let there be” for us”
- You are the light of the world.
- You are the salt of the earth.
- Be Holy, for I AM Holy.
It is not just the job or career one has which pleases God, for truly there are many needs in the earth which need filling, and one’s talents or desires quite naturally point us in a particular direction, for God placed that in our hearts already.
What matters most to God is the whole-hearted nature in which we serve Him, the character with which we serves others, and the faith with which we believe Him, and take Him at His Word, which pleases Him, and which brings blessings and rewards in the Kingdom of God.
No matter what our carrier, or God-given calling, or ministry, Jesus commands us to: Love one another, help one another, encourage one another, build one another up, until we all grow up into the fullness of Christ, our Savior and Lord. And having done all to stand, empowered by His Holy Indwelling Spirit of Love and Faith, stand therefore: for it is written, “Be still and know that I AM God.” Be at peace in Him, and bring peace wherever you go for Him, on His behalf, and know, as it is written, Behold I AM with you always, even unto the end of the age.”