Life Walk Lesson 99: God has Good Plans for Us
We often find, especially in the Old Testament, where the scribes record that the rest of the acts of a particular king or prophet are written in another book. These Books or other historical records of kings and the wars they fought, however, may or may not be included in the Canonized Scriptures used today. Archaeologists found many of these ancient manuscripts in the late 1800’s and many scholars, over the years, have carefully translated them into modern languages. These ancient writings are now widely available on the internet, and in many libraries around the world, and they corroborate Scripture completely.
I have often said that God does not put all His eggs in one basket. He does not leave Himself without a witness, but places clues and information, about Himself and what He has done, in every area of human interest, including in the secular realm, so that everyone is without excuse when they stand before God at the Judgment.
All mankind will have seen some part of God in their lifetime, and have been a witness to His glory in some way. Even if they were only a witness to His creation, which declares His glory, they will have had a witness of God’s goodness to them, for He created all things for our enjoyment. [1Timothy 6:17 NIV]
To bring people into the Kingdom of God requires a relationship with God and with His people.
According to Jesus’ Own example:
—It includes telling them about God, and in so doing, preparing the way for God to come to those He has chosen, through our friendships.
—It includes powerfully preaching the word of God as the opportunity presents itself, with signs and wonders, from God through us, confirming His Word.
—It includes helping them become all they are called and destined to be, by coming alongside them, and empowering them through encouragement, and affirmation, mentorship, and discipling.
—It includes laying down one’s own life for them.
Isaiah 40:3
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’”
God chose this particular statement, in Isaiah 40:3, to be included in all four Gospel. I believe it is so important to God that, this time, He did put all His eggs in one basket, so to speak, so that no one, whom He has chosen, would miss the point.
I find it beautiful that God is interested in our thirst for Him, and so He begins with those living in the natural desert, just as He did with Hagar, when the Angel of the Lord appeared to her and provided water for her and her son, Ishmael. Those who live in a spiritual desert are just as provided for, as Jesus promised, Springs of Living Water would flow from those who are filled with His Holy Spirit. [John 7:38, Revelation 7:17]
God Keeps His Promise to Isaiah
Matthew 3:3
“For this is he who has spoken by the prophet Isaiah, saying, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.’”
Mark 1:3
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.’”
Luke 3:4
“As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying:
‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.’”
John 1:23
He said, ‘I am “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Make straight the way of the Lord’,” as the prophet Isaiah said.”
This is our purpose in the Kingdom of God — to prepare the way of the Lord.
The Hebrew qārā’ [Strongs H7121] for cry means to call, proclaim, read aloud, and to preach
The Greek word for crying, βοάω, is to speak with a high, strong voice [Strongs NT 994:] to shout aloud
When both John the Baptizer, the one whom Isaiah’s words were pointing to, and Jesus began their ministries, they began their sermons with, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”
Repent — change the way you think about God, and life, and come and see Who God is, and what He desires to do with and through you. That’s what Jesus lived out when He began to show His disciples how to walk with God, isn’t it? Yes, because whenever and wherever He preached, He then also manifested God’s way of doing things — miraculous healing, deliverance, and resurrection life.
God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts, Isaiah records. How does God think of us, then?
God Desires to Quench our Thirst for Righteousness
Isaiah 55:1
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”
Those words are code for the milk of the word and the wine of the Spirit, and the Living Water God has for us so that we will no longer thirst for anything, but be amply supplied with everything we need in the Spirit, to know and love God. In fact, both those under the Law and under the Grace of Christ have access to know and love God. No one is left out.
God Desires us to Come up Higher in our Thinking
Isaiah 55:8
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.”
Isaiah 55:12 shows us His way of thinking of us:
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thorn bush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.”
Again, God uses code words to describe something so beautiful, everlasting, and tender about His character. Thorns, and briers and thistles grew in places where the word of God was sown, but choked out by these, representing the cares of life which quench the Spirit of God. We see that explained In the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13.
You could say, love is God’s super-power, for it penetrates every area of life wherever He sets His feet, releasing others from being captive to the results of hatred, and an evil lifestyle. God has given us His Own Super-Powers, as recorded in Galatians 5:22-23.
It is clear to me that both are a requirement — preparing the way for Jesus to come, and living a life of holiness, repenting quickly and forgiving quickly, and welcoming people in to the Kingdom and loving them into wholeness like our Father in Heaven does, and will do when God once again comes to live with His children on the Earth, in person.