Life Walk Lesson 61 Obedience - Lessons from Eden

Life Walk Lesson 61 — Obedience

Lessons from Eden

Uncanonical Writings of the Old Testament (Armenian Apocrypha)

History of the Creation and of the Transgression of Adam

[From: MS No. 729 of the Armenian Library of St. Lazarus, in Venice. It bears no title, however a title has been added by the publishers]; pages 39-46

Bible Study Notes: There is at least one other ancient document, which mentions the Tree of Wisdom, instead of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, as the tree from which Adam and Eve ate. [1Enoch 32:6, spoken to Enoch by the Arch Angel Raphael] 

Other documents, including the Bible, state that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and God expelled them from the Garden so that they would not also eat from the Tree of Life. 

A careful reading of the Armenian account of creation, will provide the reader with ample evidence that the plan of God is embedded within, perhaps even unknown to the writer of it in either the 5th or 6th century A. D. 

Jesus Himself bore this sin on the cross during 6 hours of darkness, and God often came on the seventh day to meet with those He called unto Himself, for example, Moses. 

I cannot help but believe that Adam portrayed here as eating the fruit so that Eve did not die alone was an act of “laying down his life” just as Jesus did for us, Who prayed for a while in the Garden before His death. The picture is within even the transgression, of our redemption, because with God there is always hope of forgiveness and salvation upon repentance. 

You will find within it also the whiles of the devil, who waits until someone is isolated from that which covers them in order to deceive them -- watching and waiting for an opportune moment, just as he did to Jesus in the Wilderness. 

Mankind was created to praise God which the fallen angels refused to do. So, then, it is important to praise God together with others as well as while alone with God.

Because the Apocryphal writings say that God said both not to taste or touch, and the Bible only says not to eat thereof, I believe both are correct, and Eve spoke truthfully, for she had not yet eaten of the fruit in order to be able to lie, which was a direct consequence enabling her to choose to say that which was false; for once they ate, Satan entered and so did sin.

Lesson learned: Obey God wholehearted, fully, and without question as we have seen in the writings of the Book of Deuteronomy, and live well. If you have to walk away from something, even something God gave you, in order to obey Him, walk away; He can make or give something else, as applicable, for it is written in the Gospels, that Jesus promises family members, houses, fields, etc., an hundred times more than all one walks away from, when we follow Jesus Christ, believing.